This year at the Oscars, an event at OSC designed to resemble the real Oscars but without the movie aspect, and with nominations consisting of things like ‘best dressed’ and ‘best laugh’, I performed a song, ‘Hey Soul Sister’, with Camille and Bharat. I increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth because even though I already knew I could sing and perform in front of an audience without getting extreme stage fright, it was an opportunity to remind myself of my strengths in this area and to showcase them. In terms of growth, I will continue to work at home on improving my guitar skills so that maybe one day I can both play the guitar and sing onstage.
I also worked collaboratively with others in that Camille, Bharat and I organised and scheduled rehearsals and then followed through with them and also did two sound checks before the night of the performance so that there would be no technical issues. In the end our collaboration was the main reason our performance went on without a hitch.
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